Thursday, September 18, 2014


The Mumbai police and its counterparts in extended Mumbai region Vasai have demonstrated that when it comes to Police Raj, the ordinary public is helpless and have to submit to dictatorship of the police. First take the Vasai case. A biker who was on the wrong side of the road was stopped by police. An altercation took place. The course of action open for police was to issue a traffic challan. But   there is no fury like fury of a policeman whose ego is hurt. So the biker was given a beating in the public. Another biker who was stopped by police for triple seat ride took his chance, recorded the whole episode and posted on a social site. But police have enormous powers to beat public in their own game. The website got a notice from police to remove the offensive video in twenty four hours and provide details of IP of person who dared to post such video. I sympathise with this person who is now going to get a severe beating within the confines of police station for daring to show police in poor light and thus create public disharmony. And I was thinking that constitution has given us some right of freedom of expression.
In another incidence in Goregaon the police caught hold of a couple sitting on a bench with boy’s hand around the waist of girl. The police sense of morality was so much hurt for such display of affection in public that the couple was taken to police station and fined Rs1200. The police was witness, law enforcer and judge all rolled in one. Do not bother that perhaps the constables were from a background where if a boy comes within an arms distance from girl, the act is obscene.
Now do these sufferers run to court for getting justice and what type of justice? We know that policemen will go scot free and at the most court will declare other party innocent which in any case they are. Are chief Minister, Home minister and prime minister listening?

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